Stories & Articles tagged with 2027 and Global Cycles

  • Beyond Form: The Rave's Conscious Evolution
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Beyond Form: The Rave's Conscious Evolution

    We’re moving away from the form experience in the world and we’re moving to the consciousness experience beyond the world. That’s the potential of the Rave, to be a component of a consciousness experience that is beyond the form, not interested in the form, not interested in the demands, or needs of

  • The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix: The 20/34
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix: The 20/34

    In 2027, we enter into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, and it is enormously different because it is predicated on this definition—the 20/34. This is deeply, deeply individual. It’s part of the Integration system. It is the backbone of pure selfish individuality. As a matter of fact, it is the

  • 2027: A Frequency Shift, New Form of Awareness, and Why Human Design Exists Today
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    2027: A Frequency Shift, New Form of Awareness, and Why Human Design Exists Today

    We’re waiting for the tools. And oh boy, are we getting close, around 17 years from now (3 years from now since this was recorded in 2010); very close. Most of us, hopefully, will get to see that. I hope I’m around to see that...

  • Sequencing Larger Cycles
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Sequencing Larger Cycles

    I was given a lot of information about many things, but larger cycles have always fascinated me the most. I’m much more interested in the organic whole or in large components of the organic whole than I am with the individual.

  • Will Humanity Disappear?
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Will Humanity Disappear?

    It's almost as if Neptune is the ultimate partner of the program pulling a sheath over the close of the process, smothering away from sight what's really going on, the degeneration, the breakdown and the dissolution of the human potential.

  • The Social Bargain Is Breaking Down
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Social Bargain Is Breaking Down

    After all, that's the only reason the bargain is there. I hope you get that. The only reason that the bargain is there is because there is a wave in the emotional system, and the bargain is an attempt to fix the wave.

  • The Future: Individual Survival and the Material Plane
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Future: Individual Survival and the Material Plane

    The underlying institutions are already on sand now. All of them are beginning to break down in their capacity to be able to be of service. I just read an astounding thing that one out of 50 children in America...

  • Closing the Door
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Closing the Door

    12 years ago, Ra recorded Closing the Door, the last lecture of his 15-lecture Rave History series. This is a collection of excerpts that reveal much of the prophecy we are now, evidently, experiencing.

  • A New Epoch
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    A New Epoch

    The next epoch will take with it what it takes with it, but it will live what is programmed. We have 20 years to close the door. There’s 20 years for science to verify the monopole. There’s 20 years for me to prove incarnation.

  • The 14th Step
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The 14th Step

    The whole thing to understand about the 14th Gate is that it carries within it all of the material potential of humanity, and it is the material potential of humanity in the sense that we understand it as energy, as money, as the material way, as the material path in life.

  • The Rave: Shared Consciousness
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Rave: Shared Consciousness

    The Rave is only going to have about 1300 years. It’s going to be a small population to begin with. It has very peculiar circumstances which are going to limit the amount of potential that they actually have to flourish and they are going to have to learn how to operate as a melded consciousness.

  • The Bargains of the Background Frequency
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Bargains of the Background Frequency

    It’s interesting to note that the moment we entered into the Cross of Planning we had the largest population explosion in our history, which will crash the moment that the Cross of Planning is over...

  • The Human Experiential Way
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Human Experiential Way

    I’m somebody who is very much interested in and has investigated rather deeply the evolutionary process, and the evolutionary process as it’s seen through mechanics. It’s clear to me that the advent of the...

  • 1781: The Beginning of a New Process
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    1781: The Beginning of a New Process

    The first real esoteric knowledge about the nature of a being was introduced by the Hindu Brahmans. It was the 7 chakra system, the 7-centered being. The process of the 7-centered being is what our history is...

  • The Background Frequency Will Change the Way We Bond
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Background Frequency Will Change the Way We Bond

    The thing about the background frequency is that it’s going to eliminate one of the basic elements of how human beings operate, which is through sexual allure.

  • The Door Closes in a Few Years
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Door Closes in a Few Years

    The glue of the Cross of Planning has held together our lives for the last 400 years. But there will soon be no inherent need, drive, or purpose fulfilled through coming together to protect that way of life.

  • The Cross of Sleeping Phoenix
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Cross of Sleeping Phoenix

    We have a dilemma: we're dealing with a mutative process that is taking place in the Solar Plexus Center. The 55th Gate and the 49th Gate, as they are both the histidine codon, share similar chemistry.

  • Rave History: Pluto Interregnum
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    Rave History: Pluto Interregnum

    Welcome to Rave History. Today is all about Pluto. Poor Pluto has been publicly shamed by the world astronomical society and reduced from being a planet to a dwarf. I don't think Pluto is deeply appreciative of that...

  • 2027: A View through Neptune’s Veil
    Leela Swann-Herbert 2027 and Global Cycles

    2027: A View through Neptune’s Veil

    Neptune’s role in The Program is deeply veiled, working below the surface of the Gate at the genetic level; while at the surface, this planet puts forth an illusion, a glamour, that is often misinterpreted...

  • 2027: A New Cycle
    Leela Swann-Herbert 2027 and Global Cycles

    2027: A New Cycle

    The financial crash of September 29, 2008 was the moment I realized that 2027 wasn’t a singular event, but rather would be a point along a continuum of evolutionary changes that was observable.

  • Global Cycles
    Andrea Abay-Abay 2027 and Global Cycles

    Global Cycles

    Through the Human Design System, Ra brought us knowledge of how to understand not only the mechanisms of our individual being but also the global programming cycles affecting all of us.