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Showing 49 to 54 (of 100 items)
  • The 1/3 Profile

    The 1/3 Profile

    Investigator - Martyr Introspection - Adaptation. A self-absorbed profile that seeks a solid foundation before feeling secure. Exploring life through trial and error offers wisdom of what does and does not work.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The 1/4 Profile

    The 1/4 Profile

    While the 1st line is making sure its foundation is solid, the 4th line is waiting for the right opportunity to share with others. Here to have great influence and impact on people within their network.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The 2/4 Profile

    The 2/4 Profile

    The 2nd line needs to be called out for its natural talents. Through the 4th-line network, it can find opportunities to share its gifts. Learn why this profile has great power as a “missionary.”
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The 2/5 Profile

    The 2/5 Profile

    Explore how the Projection field greatly impacts this profile. Learn how aloneness enriches the 2nd line’s natural talent and understand the seductive power of the 5th line, and the importance of practicality & reputation.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The 3/5 Profile

    The 3/5 Profile

    The 3rd line is the ability to discover, adapt, and survive through a “trial and error” process. Learn how the 5th line is pulling a strong projection from others, which can have a far-reaching influence in the world.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The 3/6 Profile

    The 3/6 Profile

    Explore how the 3rd-line theme of trial and error creates resilience. Learn about the 6th-line role model and its potential for wisdom as it moves through its three-part life process.
    Now at Ra.TV
Showing 49 to 54 (of 100 items)