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Showing 31 to 36 (of 100 items)
  • Manifestor Encore

    Manifestor Encore

    What does it mean to be a Manifestor in a time of great change? Learn the Type hierarchies, and the role of the Manifestor in our evolutionary movement.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Never Mind

    Never Mind

    Explore the traps of the not-self mind. What is the purpose of mind, and how do you use it efficiently according to your design?
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Nutrition


    Explore the basics of Primary Health System and Color determination. Learn how we are all designed to have a unique digestive process. Discover the 6 primary digestive systems.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Orientation


    Learn why the right environment nurtures and protects the well-being and longevity of your body. Discover the six types of environments and how to eliminate resistance in the way you connect to others.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Post Kiron: Lights, Camera, Action

    Post Kiron: Lights, Camera, Action

    What happens after the Kiron return (age 50-53)? How do we find fulfillment during this phase? Learn how the ‘passenger’ consciousness is liberated.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Profiting from the Not-Self

    Profiting from the Not-Self

    How does the Not-Self get in the way of your material success? Learn how the wisdom of open Centers can transform your financial life.
    Now at Ra.TV
Showing 31 to 36 (of 100 items)