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Showing 91 to 96 (of 100 items)
  • The Spleen: From 'Who am I' to 'I am'

    The Spleen: From 'Who am I' to 'I am'

    Journey through the individual stream of Intuition. What does it mean to have a spontaneous, in-the-moment awareness? Explore the existential quality of the Spleen, and how it works.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Sub-structure: The Base

    The Sub-structure: The Base

    Take a journey into the very core of your imprinting. Learn the mechanics of how the crystals of consciousness filter the neutrino ocean. Learn about a deconditioning tool for a realignment and cleansing process.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Sub-structure: The Color

    The Sub-structure: The Color

    Color carries all the basic ingredients that determine our ability to survive. Learn how Color works on the Design and Personality side, and witness the not-self signposts that distort the mind.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Sub-structure: The Tone

    The Sub-structure: The Tone

    Journey to the magic of tonal architecture. Discover the unique way in which we each cognitively experience being in the world. Delve into the differences between the Left and Right frequencies of Tone.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Throat: The Voices of Babel

    The Throat: The Voices of Babel

    Explore the mechanics and beauty of the 11 distinct voices of the complex Throat Center. How do you express yourself through your unique voice? How is your voice conditioned?
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Truth about the Moon

    The Truth about the Moon

    How do you take in experiences? This is a process ruled by the Moon. Learn to be free from our mind’s interpretation of our experiences. How you can awaken and surrender to what it is to be you.
    Now at Ra.TV
Showing 91 to 96 (of 100 items)