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Showing 61 to 66 (of 100 items)
  • The Beginning before the Start

    The Beginning before the Start

    The story begins with the crystals of consciousness. Learn how through these crystals life, form, and consciousness emerges. How the world of illusion operates.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Dream Rave

    The Dream Rave

    How do we take in information while we are asleep? How does it affect conditioning? Learn how to sleep correctly and protect your aura according to your design.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Dream State Revealed

    The Dream State Revealed

    Do you ever wonder what happens to you in the dream world, and after you wake? Learn how the components of the dream state work. Explore the 15-gated dream state mechanics.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The G: The Diamond at the Center of Being

    The G: The Diamond at the Center of Being

    The wonders of the G Center and how it controls the Rave Mandala wheel. Learn about the Magnetic Monopole, our sense of identity and direction. Explore the mechanisms and roles of the 8 gates of the G Center.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Global Orchestration Directories

    The Global Orchestration Directories

    The acronym is GOD Learn how these forces are aligned and how they impact our lives. Witness how the crystal consciousness field impacts us. Discover the coordinating forces on the planet and how they operate.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Heart of the Matter

    The Heart of the Matter

    Explore the enormous impact of the Ego/Heart Center. Delve into the most complex and potentially devastating not-self strategies. Get your life back on track through the wisdom of the open Heart Center.
    Now at Ra.TV
Showing 61 to 66 (of 100 items)