
Featured Videos

In this category find a selection of featured videos, ranging from personal development to BodyGraph mechanics to the advanced education and mystical teachings of Ra Uru Hu.

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  • Generator and Manifesting Generator

    Generator and Manifesting Generator

    Explore the most dominant energy type making up 70% of the population. Learn practical solutions for correct decision making, harnessing the power of Response.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Solar Plexus: The Waves of Chaos

    Solar Plexus: The Waves of Chaos

    The three types of emotional waves and how they function. Why the ‘dark side’ of the Solar Plexus is the most distorting influence on the planet. Learn why there is no truth in the now for the solar plexus.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Nutrition


    Explore the basics of Primary Health System and Color determination. Learn how we are all designed to have a unique digestive process. Discover the 6 primary digestive systems.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Projector


    Learn why 20% of the population is ‘not here to work’ and what it means to be truly recognized and invited. Understand the gift of mastering systems and how to move from bitterness to success.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Solar Plexus: Passion - From Cool to Hot

    Solar Plexus: Passion - From Cool to Hot

    Explore the individual stream of passion that operates in a pulse. Journey through this complex chemistry of each Gate Feeling melancholic? Learn about this deep creative potential.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Manifestor


    Explore this type that makes up 9% of the population - The only type designed to Initiate. Understand the power and purpose of impacting others, and how to transform anger into peace.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Solar Plexus: Desire - From On to Off

    Solar Plexus: Desire - From On to Off

    The collective stream of desire is the human experiential way. Learn how this stream has the biggest influence on human life. Journey from the pressure of the 41st Gate to the progress of the 35th Gate.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Profiting from the Not-Self

    Profiting from the Not-Self

    How does the Not-Self get in the way of your material success? Learn how the wisdom of open Centers can transform your financial life.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The G: The Diamond at the Center of Being

    The G: The Diamond at the Center of Being

    The wonders of the G Center and how it controls the Rave Mandala wheel. Learn about the Magnetic Monopole, our sense of identity and direction. Explore the mechanisms and roles of the 8 gates of the G Center.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Throat: The Voices of Babel

    The Throat: The Voices of Babel

    Explore the mechanics and beauty of the 11 distinct voices of the complex Throat Center. How do you express yourself through your unique voice? How is your voice conditioned?
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Introduction to Variable

    Introduction to Variable

    The Four Transformations: Digestion, Environment, Perspective, and Awareness. A clear, practical map for your transformation. Explore an overview of the 16 variable groupings.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Inner Authority - Solar Plexus

    Inner Authority - Solar Plexus

    Do you have a defined Solar Plexus Center? This is automatically your Authority. Learn why the Solar Plexus Center finds clarity over time. Understand the power of the Emotional wave and why there is “no truth in the now”.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Heart of the Matter

    The Heart of the Matter

    Explore the enormous impact of the Ego/Heart Center. Delve into the most complex and potentially devastating not-self strategies. Get your life back on track through the wisdom of the open Heart Center.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Birth to Saturn: The True Self and Diet

    Birth to Saturn: The True Self and Diet

    The first 30 years of life, leading up to the Saturn return. What role does nourishment play? How do we ensure that a child develops in a way that is physically and mentally healthy?
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Split Definition

    Split Definition

    Explore why this definition has the drive to connect with the other to experience wholeness. Discover practical tools for dealing with not-self themes that emerge in the open places between splits.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Solar Plexus: Need - From Field to Pot

    Solar Plexus: Need - From Field to Pot

    Journey through the tribal stream, touching on the “need” of each Gate. Do you feel inconsistent, uncertain or up and down emotionally? Learn the key requirements for emotional nature.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Sacral: Generating the World

    The Sacral: Generating the World

    If you are a Sacral being, you have the power to transform the world when operating correctly. Explore the aura and potential of the Sacral. Learn about the format channels between the Sacral and Root Centers.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Power Column: From Sacral to G

    The Power Column: From Sacral to G

    Explore the central streams of the BodyGraph: The tantric channels. Understand how the internal direction mechanism works. Learn about the transpersonal, auric forms called the Penta and the WA.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Perfection of Being

    The Perfection of Being

    Do you ever wonder if something is ‘wrong’ with you? The perfection of your being is not measured against some outside standard. Embrace the process of learning to trust and be yourself.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Spleen: From Vitality to Identification

    The Spleen: From Vitality to Identification

    Logic is the only form of awareness that can actually pursue perfection. Discover how the Spleen and Root Center fuel the collective need to find stable patterns for the future.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Projectors: A Clarion's Alert

    Projectors: A Clarion's Alert

    Why you are needed as a resource of information for the future. Learn why Projectors need to master systems. The ascendancy of the Projector and its role as guide and administrator.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Inner Authority - Splenic

    Inner Authority - Splenic

    Survival, Fear, Instinct, Intuition and Wellbeing. Learn why listening to your Intuition is directly connected to your health. Understand why the Spleen can be difficult to notice or trust.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Mind: From Doubt to Detail

    The Mind: From Doubt to Detail

    What makes up a logical mind? Human Design reveals the mechanics of the logical mental process through the Stream of Awareness in the BodyGraph.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Triple Split Definition

    Triple Split Definition

    Learn about the strongest conditioning force for Triple Splits. What does it mean to have three different parts working autonomously with their own agenda? Why are others important for triple-splits?
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Inner Authority - Sacral

    Inner Authority - Sacral

    Learn why responding to life moment to moment brings satisfaction. Explore the deeply spiritual nature of the Generator who trusts their responses to life.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Fallen Angels

    Fallen Angels

    Discover how Generators can move from frustration to satisfaction. Explore the power of surrender and tapping into your life force. Learn how generators dominate the frequency of the planet.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Manifestor Encore

    Manifestor Encore

    What does it mean to be a Manifestor in a time of great change? Learn the Type hierarchies, and the role of the Manifestor in our evolutionary movement.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Single Definition

    Single Definition

    The only definition that provides a sense of consistency and wholeness. Learn the strengths of this definition and how it can navigate through the overwhelming open Center conditioning.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Not Self

    The Not Self

    A deep look into our conditioning, and how it impacts us. Do you live by what you are pulled towards, attracted to, and conditioned by? Discover how to use your mind to watch the way our not-self works.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Attraction and Resonance

    Attraction and Resonance

    Explore the basic duality of our genetic programming. Learn how our genes manipulate us to ensure the survival of our species. Why does our genetic imperative attract us to what we are not?
    Now at Ra.TV