
The Human Design System - A Complete Guide

After twenty-one years of teaching Human Design, Ra Uru Hu took the opportunity to lay out a guide to the full spectrum of the knowledge. The Complete Guide to the Human Design System is a grand overview from Cosmology to Correctness. 

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Showing 7 to 12 (of 15 items)
  • The Not Self

    The Not Self

    A deep look into our conditioning, and how it impacts us. Do you live by what you are pulled towards, attracted to, and conditioned by? Discover how to use your mind to watch the way our not-self works.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Dream Rave

    The Dream Rave

    How do we take in information while we are asleep? How does it affect conditioning? Learn how to sleep correctly and protect your aura according to your design.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Program: The Transits

    The Program: The Transits

    Explore the significance of the planets on your day-to-day life. Learn how to see and get attuned to the transit field.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Sub-structure: The Base

    The Sub-structure: The Base

    Take a journey into the very core of your imprinting. Learn the mechanics of how the crystals of consciousness filter the neutrino ocean. Learn about a deconditioning tool for a realignment and cleansing process.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Sub-structure: The Color

    The Sub-structure: The Color

    Color carries all the basic ingredients that determine our ability to survive. Learn how Color works on the Design and Personality side, and witness the not-self signposts that distort the mind.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Sub-structure: The Tone

    The Sub-structure: The Tone

    Journey to the magic of tonal architecture. Discover the unique way in which we each cognitively experience being in the world. Delve into the differences between the Left and Right frequencies of Tone.
    Now at Ra.TV
Showing 7 to 12 (of 15 items)